Our Project Analysis pages offer a great way to quickly check the status of a project, but sometimes you may want more detailed information on the time tracked to a project. As of today, we’ve made digging into your project information even simpler, with the ability to drill into tasks and people. Let’s go through an example of how these data points can be useful:
You’re one month into a three month project, and you’ve noticed you’re already close to the end of your budget. When you check things out on your Project Analysis page, time logged to Design has eaten away at most of the budget. What gives?
Now, with one click, you can see all of the people who tracked time to Design. You realize that the person you assigned as backup for design has logged more hours than the primary person – time to have a chat with the team to see what’s going on!
And if seeing the breakdown of people who tracked time to a specific task (or tasks to a specific person) isn’t enough detail for you, you can also click on the Total Hours to see the individual time entries on the Detailed Time Report.
These changes should help you understand the numbers, and where they’re coming from with just a click (or two)! If you have any questions or feedback, just give us a shout.