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Managing Time

Learn how to spend time wisely.

Stay On Target With These Simple Time Management Habits

It's middle school all over again, and everyone’s preparing for the big talent show. Your pals have chosen their acts – from playing musical instruments to dancing like no one's watching (even though they really should). And what about you? You’ve...

5 Tips to Make Time Tracking Easier for Attorneys

Cast your mind back to the first time you had to prepare for a big court case – the endless hours of research, reviewing documents, and putting together your arguments. You worked tirelessly into the early morning hours with only one goal in mind:...

Make Time Count: 7 Principles of Time Management and Productivity

The tortoise and the hare star in a classic fable. Slow and steady wins the race, while overconfidence leads to downfall. Many busy professionals find themselves constantly racing against time like that hare – always confident in their ability to...

9 Ways Time Tracking Software Helps Provide a Work/Life Balance

As kids, many of us thought school was such a drag and that being an adult would be glorious. No adults bossing us around, no studying, no tests. Adulthood meant freedom. Then we became adults and started making our own money to spend on whatever we...

Master These Time Management Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

Aristotle said, “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” How true is that statement? When it comes to business, Aristotle nailed it. If you produce something well one time and poorly other times, your resulting product is not considered top quality....

Reduce Stress: How to Master Time Management Skills

Almost everyone is impacted by stress at some point in their lives. The Global Organization for Stress reports that 75% of Americans experienced moderate to high-stress levels in the past month and 80% of people feel stress at work. That means eight...

Maximizing Efficiency: How to Calculate Utilization and Track it

Development and digital agencies have more buzzwords – and acronyms for those buzzwords – than most other industries. Take CPC, COS, CPA, CPL, CTA, CTR, CMS, CRM, CLTV, COB… the C’s alone can make your head spin. While fun in nature, having too many...

The Importance of Time Tracking Apps for Entrepreneurs

Have you ever heard of a parenting hack to get kids to eat their food? Involves having the kid take ownership of the meal by letting them help choose what they get to eat and using their own hands to make the food. There is something about the...

How Time Tracking Can Make Streamlining Processes a Breeze

“Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine. The landmine is me. After the explosion, I spend the rest of the day putting the pieces together.” ― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing Does this quote sound a bit like a day in your...